Bride Bouquet with face framed by veil in natural light
San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer
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Framing the Face with the Bride's Veil

When photographing a bride at San Francisco city hall, we always look for natural frames. Whether it is larger full scale frame or a smaller frame of the face, it's an effective way to focus your attention on the main subject. In this photo we positioned the Bride's veil to magically surround her face to create a small natural frame. The subtle window light coming in from behind does a very nice job giving the veil a soft glow enhancing the image even more. To add some color we had the bride move her bouquet up slightly so it was in the frame, but only a little. The splash of color add some interest to the photo without being distracting. As previously discussed, the color provided by a bouquet helps the neutral color building pop a little more then it usually does. As far as frames go, city hall is loaded with them due to the architecture style. Everywhere you look, it is a professional wedding photographer's dream. Archways and rectangular doorways are present throughout and provides us with some great places to put our brides and grooms. Even the Grand Staircase creates a very nice frame for our couples which explains why it is such a popular spot for wedding photographers to take their couple. Here are some our favorite natural frames at city hall:

  • Rotunda high arch
  • 1st floor rectangular doorways
  • 3rd Floor windows
  • 4th Floor archways formed by the window
  • Grand Staircase if you put the couple in the middle

Bride twirling to display pretty wedding dress - natural light photography