LGBT dual rings showing close up wedding photography
San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer
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Same-Sex / LGBTQ Wedding

Detail Shots and Close up Photography

Brides and grooms spend considerable time not only thinking about how they want to decorate their wedding venue, but actually doing it. Whether they enlist plenty of help or do it all by themselves, its clear that details shots at a wedding are something to be taken seriously. We always make sure to take nice, clear close up photos of the decorations at the wedding. We do this with the use of Macro lenses which give up the ability to get real close the still life subject. In the photo above, we chose to place the Bride's Bouquet directly behind their rings to enhance the image. We also made sure that the background was blurred a little bit so the wedding rings still take center stage.

Wedding Details We Include

Here is just a partial list of some of the details we include in your wedding photography:

  • Flowers
  • Rings
  • Wedding Favors
  • Place Settings
  • Wedding Cake
  • Special Tributes
  • Framed Photos
  • Cake Table
  • Chair Backs
  • The Food
  • Centerpieces
  • Candy Table
  • Wedding Candles
  • Wedding Invitations

Simple Portrait Photography

Sometimes the simple shots are the best. We spent over an hour with this fantastic LGBT wedding couple and got some wonderful images throughout the building. But the simple posed photos in front of the gorgeous city hall windows ended up being some of our favorites. To make these types of images work well, it's necessary to use a higher shutter speed on the camera. This keeps the light behind the window from being too bright. Then we just took the photo with an umbrella flash. This is true whenever you are facing a bright window and you don't want it dominate the image and take away from the couple,

In addition to taking photos at various locations throughout San Francisco City Hall, we often try to get some nice images of each individual. Yes, this is a wedding and most of the pictures should include both participants, but its also nice to give the bride or groom the chance to pose by themselves. We always assume that there may be relatives or friends who want a picture of just the individual for whatever reason. It also gives each person the chance to express themselves as an individual.